Evon Green
Saturday, August 19th | Saturday, August 26th
Saturday, September 2nd LABOR DAY WEEKEND — NO CLASS
Saturday, September 9th - FINAL SESSION
I pray you had a fabulous holiday weekend. Just a Reminder. Today is the first day of your 3-day consecration. The first day of your 3-day fast. Just a reminder from today through the workshop on Saturday you should be eating only fruits vegetables and drinking water or fruit juice.
In addition to the two assignments that I gave you last week, WEEK-TWO HOMEWORK:Patterns & Going Deeper”. I have added one for this week entitled WEEK-THREE HOMEWORK: “MY FAMILY TREE”. SEE BELOW
During our final session we will begin to look at things in our generational background /bloodline that have caused us to become the way we are. To do so I need you to complete “MY FAMILY TREE”. Please print out the “MY FAMILY TREE” page. I want you to put your name on the line at the bottom of the page. Then in the places where it shows different family members positional titles I DO NOT want you to list your family members name. What I would like for you to do is list the different traits that you have seen evident in that particular family member and you now see it in manifesting in yourself.
For Example: Maybe your grandmother was known for being really, really mean lady. Growing up you notice that your mother seems to be angry all the time. Now as an adult you notice it doesn't take much to make you mad. The root characteristic exhibited in this family member and carried through the bloodline is rage. By dealing with the root we will be able to identify the source of the trait that caused it.
The purpose of this exercise is to determine traits that run in families our generational background /bloodline. Are they currently being exhibited in your life today? Or maybe you see them exhibited in your children's lives. In this final session of L.O.O.S.E.D. we will cover how generational traits affect us all. We will then go through the process a receiving Liberty and freedom in those areas. More will be discussed when we meet on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you then. Please be on time as we will start promptly at 10AM and we will we will end the session by no later than 1PM.
God Bless, Sure Do Luv Ya!!! Dr. Evon Green